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 The Ben Brown Physical and/or Occupational Therapy Scholarship (BBPOTS)


To aid applicants that pursue an advanced degree that is favorable to the Florida Elks Children’s Therapy Services Program and creates awareness of that Program.

    • Scholarships will be awarded to applicants who have completed their bachelor’s degree and have been admitted to a Florida College or University which offers a master’s or doctorate program in Occupational Therapy or a PHD program in Physical Therapy. Each recipient will have to maintain certain achievement levels on an annual basis to continue receiving their scholarships. BBPOTS Committee will be responsible for determining the qualifications for receiving grant (GPA of 3.0 or better on a scale of 4.0, financial need, good morals, school/community involvement, etc.). They must be residents of Florida and submit proof of admission to a college or University in the state of Florida that offers a degree in physical and/or occupational therapy.
    • Scholarships will be issued based on overall GPA received by students while achieving their bachelor’s degree from an accredited Florida school and financial need of the applicant (only students who have completed their undergraduate degrees are eligible for the scholarship). Total Scholarship per student would be $20,000 for two-year students, and $30,000 for three-year students. $10,000 per year for students in two-year Occupational Therapy program (2nd year funding granted if student has a GPA of 3.0 or more after 1st year). Like the Physical Therapy Program, if the Occupational Therapy Program is for three years, the same rules would apply for 3rd year. $10,000 per year for students in three-year Physical Therapy program (2nd & 3rd year funding granted if student has a GPA of 3.0 or greater after 1st and 2nd year). Any recipient whose GPA falls below 3.0 at any time during their eligibility period will be removed from the program, as verified by College or University transcripts


To be eligible to apply for the Ben Brown Physical or Occupational Therapy Scholarship (BBPOTS), you must:

    1. Possess a baccalaureate degree or be a member of the current year baccalaureate graduation class, from an accredited American College or University.

    2. Have an undergraduate cumulative, Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 or more, as verified by College or University transcripts.

    3. Be accepted in a master’s or Doctorate degree program in Occupational Therapy or a Doctorate degree program in Physical Therapy from a Florida College or University.

    4. Demonstrate a financial need for an award.

    5. Be a full-time resident of the State of Florida.


Multiple applications for a single award will be reviewed by a committee of 4 – 6 Elks (the BBPOTS committee) who will be responsible for choosing one recipient annually.

Number of Awards and amounts:

One $10,000 scholarship will be awarded each year so long as the recipient provides a copy of their official college transcripts for that year reflecting a maintained GPA of 3.0 and proof of enrollment.

Total Scholarship is limited to $20,000 to $30,000 for a student enrolled in a two or three-year Occupational Therapy program ($10,000 per year) and $30,000 for a student enrolled in a three-year Physical Therapy program ($10,000 per year).

Each recipient must maintain the achievement levels on an annual basis to continue to receive their scholarship.

Grant/Scholarships checks will be made payable, at the ensuring ensuing semester, to the applicable institution for credit to the recipient once proof of enrollment and copy of official college transcripts for that year is received at our state office.

Social Security Number Required:

A Social Security Number is required of all applicants.

Judging Criteria:

Scholarship Performance Evaluation, Community involvement, Communication Skills and Financial need are the criteria used for judging applications. The recipient is responsible for providing copies of the source documentation substantiating each criterion.

Source documentation includes a college or University transcript indicating the cumulative GPA, a narrative by the student describing community involvement and permission to access financials. The BBPOTS committee may access records and is solely responsible for determining the applicant’s qualifications and competitive rank.


 Scholarship 600 points
Financial Need 200 points
Community involvement 100 points
Communication skills 100 points
Total possible points 1,000 points


The scholarship, in the form of a certificate, will be presented to the winner at the FSEA Convention held annually in the month of May. It will be presented with the understanding that the applicant will comply with the enrolling and attending program classes at the named College.

Upon receipt of verification from the proper College or University indicating program enrollment, the FSEA will issue a check in the amount of the award and send it to the College or University and establish a credit in the name of the recipient.

Restrictions on the use of scholarship:

There is no restriction on the use of the scholarship.  It may be used for tuition, lab fees, room and board, transportation or food.

Unacceptable Conduct:

All scholarship recipients are expected to be good citizens and active in the community. The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks supports law and order and moral conduct. Recipients are expected to support these goals if they accept an award.

Application packages become the property of the FSEA.

After completing this application, please make a photocopy for your records. The applications and all documentation will become property of the Florida Elks Children's Therapy Services and the BBPOTS Committee and will be retained until destroyed.